Mondays 13:30 – 14:30
Fridays 14:00 – 15:00
SHA-LA Studios PBerg
Kastanienallee 63 | 10119 Berlin
Wednesdays 9:30 – 10:30
SHA-LA Studios XBerg
Lausitzer Platz 8a | 10997 Berlin, Germany
(Emmaus Church, church tower, 4th floor)
Regular yoga practice during pregnancy can help to reduce back and joint pain, digestive issues, mood swings, and other discomforts that may occur during pregnancy.
My prenatal yoga class will help you find the space, movement, and attention your body and developing baby need. Each class is tailored to the needs of the participants and you will practice in a safe, supportive, and loving environment, at the beautiful studios above.
Additionally, you will practice with other soon-to-be and seasoned moms with which you can exchange your experience and know that you are not going through your pregnancy alone.
The sequences and movements are structured to be gentle, safe, and suitable for each trimester, however, you can expect to hold some poses longer as they will help to build the strength, resilience, and confidence to prepare you for labor and delivery.
We will practice various breathing and meditation techniques that will further connect you to your body and growing baby.
The classes are taught in English to accommodate anyone who doesn’t feel very confident in their German.
Regelmäßige Yogapraxis während der Schwangerschaft hilft dir dabei, Rücken- und Gelenkschmerzen, Verdauungsprobleme, Stimmungsschwankungen und andere Beschwerden zu lindern, die während der Schwangerschaft auftreten können.
In meinen pränatalen Yogakursen findest du den Raum, die Bewegung und die Achtsamkeit, die dein Geist und Körper brauchen. Jede Klasse ist auf die Bedürfnisse der Teilnehmerinnen zugeschnitten und du praktizierst in einer sicheren, unterstützenden und liebevollen Umgebung, im wunderschönen o.g. Studios. Zudem, wirst du mit anderen werdenden und erfahrenen Müttern üben, mit denen du deine Erfahrungen austauschen kannst.
Abfolge und Bewegungen sind so strukturiert, dass sie sanft, sicher und für jedes Trimester geeignet sind. Einige Posen wirst du länger halten da sie die Kraft, Ausdauer und Zuversicht aufbauen, um dich für die Wehen und die Geburt gut vorzubereiten.
Wir werden verschiedene Atem- und Meditationstechniken üben, die dich noch stärker mit deinem Körper und dem wachsenden Baby verbinden.
Die Stunden sind auf englisch unterrichtet, um denjenigen entgegenzukommen, die sich in der deutschen Sprache nicht sehr sicher fühlen.
“Im pregnant for the first time and I wanted to prepare my mind and my body for the delivery. I never did yoga before and, yet, I’m coming back to the prenatal yoga class taught by Koko every week. I’m learning stretches and poses to help with my pain and it’s allow me to be more relax and feel comfortable with my body. In addition, Koko is really sweet and gets to know you and your needs.”
“I feel very happy to have found Koko’s pregnancy yoga class! She is an experienced instructor who has helped me feel healthy during my pregnancy. Moreover, she is kind and friendly, immediately making you feel welcome and integrated. She knows how to listen to all the participants in class, tailoring the class so that we all target areas in our body that may need attention. I absolutely look forward to her class every week!”
“Serdecznie polecam zajęcia z yogi dla ciężarnych. Koko jest przemiłą i serdeczną nauczycielką yogi. Na zajęciach można się wyciszyć, zrelaksować i zapomnieć o codziennych problemach.
I highly recommend yoga classes for pregnant women. Koko is a kind and warm yoga teacher. In the classes you can calm down, relax and forget about everyday problems.”
“I enjoyed the prenatal classes with Koko a lot. Each class was a pleasure!
Koko was always keen on satisfying all our needs. I felt calm, refreshed and happy when leaving the studio. And it was also a good opportunity to chat with other pregnant women.”